Wednesday, October 26, 2011

More news about "Occupy Minnesota"

The boys at Bill's Café are closely following the protests in Minneapolis. They hope some of those protesters would come down to Ironwood County and occupy the Hillcrest courthouse lawn. Bill  in particular is wondering how he could entice a busload or two. Everyone figures it would be great for local businesses. After all, the news says it's costing the Cities a lot of money, and that money's creating jobs. And those Occupy Minnesota people need to eat and need to buy supplies. That's even better for the local economy.

"Just think of the meals I could cook," Bill said. "I could even name them special. The protester's pie. Main Street meatballs. Wall Street walleye--naw, that'd be too good for them crooks. Maybe Wall Street wieners."

In other news, local author John Schreiber's books are now available in various ebook formats.

"What's an ebook?" Bill asked.

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