Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Vikings are always a gamble!

The boys at Bills Café were puzzled by the Minnesota Legislature--again. "Why would conservative Republicans want to expand gambling?" Bill asked as he brought over the coffee. "That ain't conservative. I remember in the old days when people got arrested for running a poker game. Conservative means you don't do something new."

"Times 're changing, Bill," George Wilson answered. "Conservative isn't the issue any more. It's all about not raising taxes."

"But who are you getting to gamble?" Bill replied. "It's not the rich who'll be losing that money. It'll be the people who can least afford it."

George just smiled. "Now you understand."

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ironwood County enters new year

Ironwood County remains calm after the holidays. Most residents are discouraged with the weak winter--those same people are the ones who complained about last year's interminable winter.

Unlike citizens in Iowa or New Hampshire, no one in Ironwood County has been particularly excited about any of the Republicans. Or any Democrat for that matter. Most wish that politicians would quit worrying about holding their jobs and focus on strengthening the infrastructure of the country--and all that entails.

Local author John Schreiber's internet sales of his books continue strong--especially "Life on the Fly" and "Heartstone," and, at the same time, he has received good reviews lately for his overlooked "Passing Through Paradise." Asked if he was planning a sequel on either "Life" or "Heartstone," his cryptic reply was "Yes."