Thursday, August 18, 2011

'Nuff said.

Corn and books are growing in Ironwood County

As the sweet corn ripens across the county, so do the publishing endeavors of Ironwood County's favorite and best-selling author, John Schreiber. His publisher is bringing out Hillcrest Journal, Tales from 2 A.M., and Passing Through Paradise in eBook format. Of course, those at Bill's Diner don't know what that means, but then they don't read his books anyway.

That's up to the patrons of the local libraries. Miss Agatha, as the children call her, is still adamant in her opposition to his books, calling them immoral and destructive to the local towns. However, she has acquiesced slightly and modified her views because of the business his books have brought to her library in Hillcrest.

What of Schreiber's other books--Life on the Fly and Heartstone? Those are already available for the Kindle (again, the boys at Bill's asked "What?") and may at a later date be converted into the format that will work with BN's Nook. (Bill's boys: "Who?")

According to Schreiber's Facebook-book page, his next epic fantasy, Heartstone: Under the Shadow, will soon be available in both paperback and ebook formats.