Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fall arrives in Ironwood County

Leaves are turning the maple trees in Ironwood County and, due to the early frost, apples have all been picked. School is in full swing with fall plays and football games. Many local schools are experimenting with increased technology for students, but long-time residents still just want their children to read and write better, along with a greater understanding of mathematics. Technology never seems to help those areas much. Accept pruf-reading.

Minnesota writer, John Schreiber, promises another book in his Ironwood County novels in 2015. Locals are already worried who will appear in his so-called "chronicles." Fortunately he changes the names to protect residents, but we all know whom he means.

Mid-term elections are approaching with another flurry of attack ads. Most people would just like their government to do as little as possible--unless it means better roads. That means we can look forward to more divided government--that's the best way to keep those lawyers from making more laws.

Until you read the next news flash from Ironwood County, go for a drive in the colorful Minnesota fall and stop by an apple orchard.